Credit Tips You Can Use to Support Your Business Credit Development

Here's a few tips to help you develop and maintain good business credit for your company. They won't remedy credit problems that already exist, or grant you instant creditworthiness.  But, using these tips to build healthy credit for your business, will help you to develop and maintain a stronger business credit over the long-term.

Tip #1

Consider Automatic Payment Program to Build Business Credit. The day-to-day demands of running a small business can take 100% of your energy and sometimes important things can get overlooked.  Preserve and build your business credit by using automatic payment programs, available at most banks. These programs can ensure that recurring monthly payments are made timely, no matter how hectic things get.

Tip #2

Make Credit Planning a Regular Part of Your Business Routine.  Set aside three (3) hours each month to work on your company's healthy credit plan.  Integrating Healthy Credit Practices into your monthly financial management routines can help you stay on top of your company's needs and fend off potential business hazards before they arrive.

Tip #3

Reinvest in a Portion of Your Earnings Back into the Business Asset Base.  Growing businesses need capital to survive.  While nurturing the credit healthy of your company, make sure your plan includes setting aside a portion of your profits to help the business grow.  As your business asset base expands, so will the company's creditworthiness and its value.

Tip #4

Make Credit Planning a Regular Part of Your Business Routine.  The day-to-day demands of running a small business can take 100% of your energy and sometimes important things can get overlooked Preserve and build your business credit by using automatic payment programs, available at most banks. These programs can ensure that recurring monthly payments are made timely, no matter how hectic things get.


Credit Tips You Can Use to Support Your Personal Credit Development

Personal Credit Tip #1

Review Your Personal Credit Report at Least Annually.  Use your birthday as an annual date reminder to review your personal credit report each year. Your personal credit profile can play an important role when you decide to apply for any type of credit, whether for personal or business purposes. It is a good idea to know exactly what is shown on each of your credit reports long before applying for a loan.

Personal Credit Tip #2

Examine Your Lifestyle.  Personal credit behaviors give insight into the types of financial choices a business owner will make as a borrower. For example: Do you live extravagantly, or are you conservative and careful with your money?

Personal Credit Tip #3

Close Joint Accounts if You're Facing Divorce.  Divorce is never an easy time for anyone. But for a business owner, it can be even more stressful, especially if joint personal credit accounts have a negative impact on your ability to get business credit. Avoid the risks by closing or limiting the use of joint credit accounts as soon as a decision to divorce has been reached.

Personal Credit Tip #4

Personal Credit Scoring Tip.  Pay off debts regularly rather than moving them around. One of the most effective way to improve your personal credit score is by consistently paying down your revolving credit balances. In fact, owing the same amount but having fewer open accounts may lower your credit score.

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