The Rise Of Struggle Whores & Wantrepreneurs

Hey My J's,

It's me back again for your daily dose of random thoughts for the day and it's about this trend of everyone offering business advice online. There is this growing trend of ditching your 9-5 finding value outside corporate structures and going your own way which is admirable. I personally did the same thing just under 3 years ago and it's been hard but I don't regret it.

Entrepreneurship is not a choice it's calling, it's not the lesser of two evils and it's not the grass is greener. I know plenty of friends who sadly had their businesses fail and it's hard to take but that's why it is so rewarding when you get it right. It won't always be smooth sailing but that's how it works, you need to be able to deal with the problems. Everyone can deal with the successes not everyone wants to deal with the issues.


Image source: inc42

The Wantrepreneur

Entrepreneurship in modern times has been packaged as this be your own boss work on your own time be financial independent glamour story when for most of us its anything but, it's a grid with ups and downs and plenty of learnings along the way. The ones that learn their lessons the fastest and persevere are the ones who tend to do well.

The wantreprener wants all these perceived benefits that I first mentioned along with the recognition and without the effort or lessons. They think this will make them happy but in fact, there's a deeper issue you need to look at if you think that's going to make you happy.

Entrepernuerhisp like love is slow, meandering, its about learning, enjoying the journey, growing and building towards something and not seeking instant gratification. There is a certain irrationality to it, but you know deep down this is what you're passionate about it and what you enjoy doing with your life.

Guru marketing

As they say, those who can't do, teach and that's where the business coach and marketing guru seem to be finding their niche.

The epitome for me has been the rise of the marketing guru, you can see them dominate all business advice videos on YouTube and its all aspirational words and generic advice, packaged and repackaged with a disclaimer that it only fails if you don't work hard at it. No regard for sectors, products, demand, economies, geographical location, their advice is just so universal you can't lose, yet the majority of their clients end up losing.

The problem with this is that these marketing gurus product is marketing, they good at marketing their marketing not good at marketing a product. Their product is marketing and they've created a product that sells.

What they don't tell you is that your product and service needs to be superior you can't just sell a message on ads and social media and expect to build a successful brand. The internet has made it easy for businesses to grow and scale but its also made people lazy and thinking they can build a business by sitting back placing some ads and social media posts and watch the money roll in

Have your say

What do you think of these marketing guru's and business coaches whose business is about telling people who to do business even if they fail or not? Is their product worthwhile? Do they add value?

Holla at me in the comments! All my commenters I will now refer to as Jessie. Jessie is a good friend of mine, but Jessies got a girl and I want to make her mine.

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, simply comment "I am a Jessie"

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