Plunder Is The Cost Of Doing Business With A Plunge Protection Team

Hey JessVikings

As the effects of the lockdowns continue and the insolvencies start to make its way through the global economy, we've seen people have to change the way they see the world and how they are going to earn a living going forward.

We've obliterated jobs that will never return, and people will need to look for new ways to build a livelihood. While some will wait for governments to provide direct relief through programs like UBI, others are taking it into their own hands.

Millions around the world are now out of work. They do not have the luxury of sitting on their arses if they are to survive or maintain a lifestyle they had previously, and desperation can do crazy things to society.

We've seen data that more people are starting to register new businesses which overall is a great thing, the more businesses we have, the more competition, the greater deflation, the more affordable life becomes and the better quality the goods and services we receive.

More businesses mean more decentralisation, and better distribution of resources, which are all great for the economy, through the education in job losses, increase in productivity and velocity of money.

Small businesses are how we create a more robust and dynamic economy and help spread the wealth a little better than we do currently.


Growth of independent contractors and remote work

Plenty of individuals have become disillusioned with working for a boss, and this has been the kick in the ass they needed to go out on their own. Many jobs can now be done remotely, and instead of doing it for one person, you can now do it for many businesses.

I foresee the digital nomad trend to continue, and with registering your own business, you can take advantage of certain tax breaks, you wouldn't get if you were an employee.

Independent contractors and gig workers who try to optimise their time and quality of life are going to continue to drive the revolution of the office-less work environment.

Payment protection

Governments around the world continue to debate the idea of UBI and stimulus cheques but what they don't debate is giving money to businesses. We all saw the plunder of business loans and socialism for businesses being abused the world over during 2020, and I think people who are out of work see this as a way for them to tap into this business UBI and social programs.

Why should a select few be the only ones to plunder state resources, new business owners are going to want a piece of that pie, and I don't blame them.

Job desperation

Governments are going to be desperate to create jobs, and they cannot do it without small businesses. If they are to kick up economies GDP, they will need to drive the growth of the small business. I foresee plenty of programs to encourage this, and that's why I think people are going to continue to register their own businesses to try and take advantage of this favourable environment to come.

Committing to survival at any cost

Governments have chosen to keep this economy an afloat at any cost with inflation going through the roof to try and fund the rehabilitation of small business and keep zombie companies alive I think we will see more people jump on the "entrepreneur" train to try and pillage and plunder state resources in the name of growing the economy.

If there is a way to extort free money from the government, you best believe people are going to abuse it. I think this will only be a temporary band-aid and only serve to speed up the effects of capital misallocation.

We're not only going to encourage the creation of zombie big business but zombie small business, and it's going to make it harder for honest entrepreneurs to get funding and compete in the market.

For the few that do work honestly and make it through all of this, I salute you!

Have your say

What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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