Foraging local mushrooms

Bushcraft has become a trend these days, fire making, foraging, survival, making shelter etc., well, it's fun! I'm a fan of bushcraft myself, my husband and our nine-year old son, too. We enjoy outdoor, in fact, every week we are at Marigondon Beach for recreational swimming. We camp, cook food at the beach using gathered fire woods and tries to forage seafood.

Bushcraft is a lifestyle of people living in farm like I had before going to the city to find job. So I had my child experience what I experienced when we visited my hometown, one them is to forage local mushrooms that sprouts on mud-pressed. These mud came from VMC, a sugar factory. When sugarcane are pressed, the waste becomes mud-pressed. Mud-pressed is used as fertilizer. While the mud-pressed is hot mushrooms sprout and that's what we harvest. The usual time to harvest is at 4:00am.


While I was little, we went foraging mushrooms with friends because it's fun and mushrooms are very delicious when cooked as Adobo. It's one of my favorite BayogBayog Adobo. I just sauteed the mushrooms in oil with garlic and soy sauce and viola! Yummy Mushroom Adobo.

The mushroom is harvested before it blooms because when it has already blooms, it's not as delicious as the sprouts.

My little boy enjoyed his experience. An experience he would never have in the city where we live right now. Next year would be riding the Carabao or the water buffalo and river swimming. See you soon Victorias City!

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