The Daily Build's #289 | A Curated Daily Newsletters

This is a daily newsletter from the stables of (a DIY and How-to platform) built on the Hive Ecosystem where we feature at least 3-5 high standard DIY and How-to projects/posts published from either our Hive Community Page

Build-it is a community-driven project, born out of the need to empower and strengthen DIY (do it yourself) projects, How-to tutorials, and life hacks. Among many others, was set up as a means to encourage and reward high-quality DIY and How-to projects.

The Daily Build's

My super easy Hive Soap Dish



"Greetings my beautiful people! Pleased to be with you again, this time I share with you all an easy and quick idea. This is a soap dish made with recyclable material, let's get started!"

Words = 269 reading time = 59seccs

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DON'T BOATS IT OUT! RESTORE IT... An abandoned pot rose from the ashes


"Notice that I was cleaning a little among the junk to see what was going and what was not, and I found a pot that has all the years in the world, because my parents bought it when I was about 8 years old and when I got married I brought it to my house. Due to a couple of falls it was lying in a pile waiting for the garbage.... However, I thought of giving it a second chance. Maybe you have a similar one, it would be good that before throwing it away, you take a look at my post.*

Words = 851 reading time = 3mins 5secs

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Making an hourglass ⏳


"Hello friends of #hive and the # build-it community, today I want to share with you a great idea, how to make an hourglass. This is an instrument used to measure a certain period of time. It has two glass containers connected allowing a regulated flow of material, usually fine sand, from the top to the bottom, until it is empty."

Words = 357 reading time = 1min 18secs

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Creative pencil holder to organize our pencils

Author: @reiberg


*"Hello, good morning, hive platform, how are you? Today I made a pencil holder, I hope you like it Materials: *Brush *Scissor * Tempera *Wood *Cardboard Liquid silicone."

Words = 93 reading time = 21secs

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Elaboration of a beautiful Decorative Basket board



"Hello friends Hivers I hope you are super well next to your loved ones. For my work today I will teach you how to make a cabin with useful materials for the smallest of the home. Go ahead and try it, you will love them."

Words = 281 reading time = 1min 1secs

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All featured articles/projects will receive an upvote from the @build-it account and also passed to other curation projects for more support and upliftment.

Are we adding value to the HIVE ecosystem? Consider delegating some of your Hive Power to us to continue curating and rewarding DIY (do it yourself) and How-to contents/projects on the Hive Ecosystem.

Special thanks to @theycallmedan, @tribesteemup, and @appreciator for their valued vote support and delegations! Rewards from this post will be powered up 100% this will at least give us some Hive Power to support diverse articles on the Hive Ecosystem

|20 HP| |100 HP |500 HP| |1,000 HP

Post your DIY and How-to tutorial contents via our Hive Community Page and earn upvotes in the likes of @upmehwale, @curangel, and @appreciator, other curation projects at the discretion. Please don't forget to follow our vote curation trial => to help strengthen our upvotes in order to support diverse DIY and How-to authors.

Please use the #build-it tags for your DIY and How-to and earn both HIVE and BUILD tokens. Our BUILD tokens are available to trade/buy/sell on Hive Engine and Leodex. You can also stake our tokens and get curation rewards when you vote authors on our website.

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How To Get Featured On Our Daily Newsletter And The Rewards Attached

  • Subscribe and post through our Hive Community page or our website)using the #build-t tag on your post.

  • Write original and well-articulated DIY and How-to tutorial posts.

  • Use #build-it tag

  • Share your posts on Twitter.

Build-It information and resources

Token Info.
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