The Daily Build's #192 | A Curated Daily Newsletters

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This is a daily newsletter from the stables of @Build-it (a DIY and How-to platform) built on the Hive Ecosystem where we feature at least 3-5 high standard DIY and How-to projects/posts published from either our Hve Community Page or Website. Each of the featured authors will receive an upvote form @build-it (official account) and also passed to other curation projects to uplift their creative spirit and ultimately add value to the Hive ecosystem. Also, featured authors will receive 20 Build tokens each. Our tokens aren't worth much right now, it's a symbol of what we represent.

Build-it is a community-driven project, born out of the need to empower and strengthen DIY (do it yourself) projects, How-to tutorials, and life hacks. Among many others, was set up as a means to encourage and reward high-quality DIY and How-to projects.

The Daily Build's

Crafting 4 Christmas | Part 6 | Felt Elf Christmas Hat Ornament | DIY


"Today I decided to craft an elf hat ornament made from felt. This one can be used to decorate the Christmas tree, but also to cheer up other items in your house to give them a holiday feel if you like. Please have a look at the step by step tutorial including images to find out how you can make your own elf Christmas hat."

Words = 199, reading time = 44secs

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How to decorate a mayonnaise container for Christmas


"Greetings friends, today I want to join the Christmas creations, and I do it with recycled material, reusing an empty mayonnaise container to decorate it for Santa Claus."

Words = 183, reading time = 40secs

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How to make a Christmas tree with a disposable cup and a CD


"Hello friends here with a Christmas tree that I have made with a glass and a CD. Recycling material that can no longer be used for anything else."

Words = 173 reading time = 38secs

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TUTORIAL - Decorative frame with recyclable material

Author: @ileart

"Today I will show you how to make a beautiful tree to decorate made with recycled materials."

Words = 257, reading time = 57secs

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How to make a Christmas Reindeer with a Roll of Toilet Paper


"Greetings dear community today I present a tutorial on How to make a Christmas Reindeer with a Roll of Toilet paper. For this practice, the information found on the web was taken as a reference. Here are steps by step."

Words = 239 reading time = 53secs

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All featured articles/projects will receive an upvote from the @build-it account and also passed to other curation projects for more support and upliftment.

Are we adding value to the HIVE ecosystem? Consider delegating some your Hive Power to us to continue curating and rewarding DIY (do it yourself) and How-to contents/projects on the Hive Ecosystem.

|20 HP| |100 HP |500 HP| |1,000 HP

Post your DIY and How-to tutorial contents via our Hive Community Page and earn upvotes in the likes of @ocd, @blocktrades, and other curation projects at the discretion. Please don't forget to follow our vote curation trial => to help strengthen our upvotes in order to support diverse DIY and How-to authors.

Please use the #build-it tags for your DIY and How-to and earn both HIVE and BUILD tokens. Our BUILD tokens are available to trade/buy/sell on Hive Engine and Leodex. You can also stake our tokens and get curation rewards when you vote authors on our website.

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How To Get Featured On Our Daily Newsletter And The Rewards Attached

  • Subscribe and post through our [Hive Community page](created/hive-129017 or our website]() using the #build-t tag on your post.

  • Write original and well articlated DIY and How-to tutorial posts.

  • Use #build-it tag

  • Share your posts on Twitter.

Build-It information and resources

Token Info.
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