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The Daily Build's #175 | A Curated Daily Newsletters

New daily newsletters 175.png

This is a daily newsletter from the stables of @Build-it (a DIY and How-to platform) built on the Hive Ecosystem where we feature at least 3-5 high standard DIY and How-to projects/posts published from either our Hve Community Page or Website. Each of the featured authors will receive an upvote form @build-it (official account) and also passed to other curation projects to uplift their creative spirit and ultimately add value to the Hive ecosystem. Also, featured authors will receive 20 Build tokens each. Our tokens aren't worth much right now, it's a symbol of what we represent.

Build-it is a community-driven project, born out of the need to empower and strengthen DIY (do it yourself) projects, How-to tutorials, and life hacks. Among many others, was set up as a means to encourage and reward high-quality DIY and How-to projects.

The Daily Build's

DIY: Turning a boring old shirt into a cute and cool one


"Today I am very excited and I want to tell you why, today in this DIY I am not alone, I am with a friend. Yes! I have a long time planning to sew with a corduroy and today finally happened and we did incredible things I want to tell you a little about this wonderful experience."

Words = 531, reading time = 1min 56secs

Make it yourself | Spray gun for painting


"My creative task at home today was to make a homemade spray for painting. It is extremely economical and does not require many materials to do it."

Words = 324, reading time = 1min 11secs

Adding Natural Dyes to Oatmeal


"Oatmeal is always acceptable to my stomach compared to rice in the morning. But the thing is, oatmeal often bores me. Usually, I will cook oatmeal with brown sugar and it's not boring. This time I have no brown sugar. I'm looking for a way to serve oatmeal that I haven't tried before."

Words = 257, reading time = 57secs

Crochet-knitted Halloween appliques

Author: @jicrochet

"Hello, I am here again to share with you what I am creating. I hope you are enjoying moments full of fun."

Words = 607, reading time = 2mins 13secs

🎉✨ 21 Things About Me: In Honor of my Birthday 🥳🎂


"1. Here in Hive I am known as Kiut Varieties, but if you did not see my presentation post, then you will not know that my name is Sucet Marchán 😎 and I am officially 21 years old 🥳🤗."

Words = 2,620 reading time = 9mins 32secs

All featured articles/projects will receive an upvote from the @build-it account and also passed to other curation projects for more support and upliftment.

Are we adding value to the HIVE ecosystem? Consider delegating some your Hive Power to us to continue curating and rewarding DIY (do it yourself) and How-to contents/projects on the Hive Ecosystem.

|20 HP| |100 HP |500 HP| |1,000 HP

Post your DIY and How-to tutorial contents via our Hive Community Page and earn upvotes in the likes of @ocd, @blocktrades, and other curation projects at the discretion. Please don't forget to follow our vote curation trial => to help strengthen our upvotes in order to support diverse DIY and How-to authors.

Please use the #build-it tags for your DIY and How-to and earn both HIVE and BUILD tokens. Our BUILD tokens are available to trade/buy/sell on Hive Engine and Leodex. You can also stake our tokens and get curation rewards when you vote authors on our website.

How To Get Featured On Our Daily Newsletter And The Rewards Attached

  • Subscribe and post through our [Hive Community page](created/hive-129017 or our website]() using the #build-t tag on your post.

  • Write original and well articlated DIY and How-to tutorial posts.

  • Use #build-it tag

  • Share your posts on Twitter.

Build-It information and resources

Token Info.