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@adonisabril those are all great points! I do want to point out one idea that your followers should approached with caution.

I would be careful with folks placing too much financial wealth into Lending Club and similar services that advertise "high yield". I do not have fundamental issues with the platform as a whole. I think it's a valid way to make a return, and improve cashflow. However, it is riskier than most people think because we have lived the past 8 years in a growing economy.

Think about the majority of folks who may use this platform to get loans? People that have credit or no credit and they can't get a loan from a bank. Why take a 12% loan when you can get a 6% loan? While the returns are coming in now, what happens when the economy takes the inevitable downturn and people start to default on their Lending Club loans starting with the Grade E?

Things to ask yourself, how is your money allocated among the different risk grades? Does the service send you funds directly from the individuals who made the loan or do they aggregated funds? How many people on the platform are using their income from their loans to take out loans themselves at lower interest rates to give them leverage in other markets? What happens when these people default?

During periods of economic stress, leverage decreases because of cascading defaults and the payouts have a risk of stopping if only for a period of time because of reduced liquidity.

Again these are just some thoughts that folks should consider. It is a risky play and remember these services will not be backed up by a government if they go out of business like the big banks.
