SOLVED! Withdraw and Send From Bitshares and OpenLedger DEX WITH A MEMO!!!!!

Hello there Steemians!

Let's talk BTS and Openledger DEX

I help to promote a blog here at Steemit, and I have noticed that there are SO MANY people that are (soon to be were) having the same issues I was having when it comes to Sends and Withdrawals through the Gateway or when a Memo was included. This is a big problem, as you almost always need a memo to send to a Gateway or an Exchange.

I have found help! I am now able to perform all functions previously not working for me on the DEX!

Credit to the admin Fav on the Bitshares Discord channel!

Here is what I was, and many people still are, experiencing....
You try to send or withdraw any currency with a memo, and all looks good. Then you click send or withdraw.....and nothing happens.....AT ALL. This has been going on for over a month for me, and I have seen many posts about the same issue.

Looks like this:

When you click send, it looks like this:

Haha....nothing changes.

So after troubleshooting with Fav, I saw in my browser console that the memo send was getting an error like this:


I parsed some of the text there obviously, but you get the picture. So Fav went in and looked at my account, and AH HA!
Somewhere in time, I was backing up keys, and created a secondary key! This was somehow causing the software to not allow the transaction with a memo.

Go to
and set up a new account......yes, you will have to lose your favorite BTS user name....but Hey, I got a much cooler looking logo for my new one!

Make sure you back up your new account, test a transaction between accounts....BE SURE you have access and your keys and all that good stuff you can't lose!!!!

Then, on the account with unaltered works!!!


Then I click Send......(also works with withdraw...I tried):


Now the final test.....CONFIRM:


It's as simple as that! Big Thanks to Fav on BTS discord channel! I hope this helps all those out there who have been stuck with no solution like I was myself for so long!

Please Upvote, and Resteem to help others stuck with this issue!

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