Brother and Sister Day

Today is Brother and Sister Day. I have four siblings. There are only two of us left in the same area in which we grew up (Wisconsin), #3 (a brother) and #4 (a sister). I have a brother about a five hour drive from me, we both live in Texas (both due to job transfers). I have a sister who is in North Carolina (job transfer).

I sent them a message today to wish them a happy day and tell them that I love them and am thankful for them. The last time we were all together was in 1995. I've seen all of them since then, but never all of us at the same time.

If you have siblings, be sure to send them a message today!

Here's a picture of us back in the day. I'm the oldest and the youngest is 5 years and 10 days younger than me. So, in this picture, I was 5.


This is a picture taken by our church back in 1964 and framed later by my sister for a holiday card for my parents. Even back then you could tell I hated having my picture taken (I'm the one right in the center standing up). My mother was the same way.

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