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My Pizza 420 Brawl Report #5


Brawl report number #5!
Tier: 2
Fray#: 6 (A/B/P/R)


Much like last brawl, I decided to rent water, earth, and dragon. I changed up earth slightly so we will see how that goes. I also dropped the ball on rentals this time. Valnamor ended up costing 5x more to rent this time than last time. Total rental cost for 2 days was 148.638 credits or ~$0.149


Battle 1: WIN

ManaRule 1Rule2
25Equal OpportunityKeep your Distance

The splinters available for this one left me with no great team choices. I decided to run with earth. Fun fact, Quora is considered a melee card so she was not useable here. Instead I used Cutter Brieze which turned out to be an excellent choice for this match.

Battle 1.PNG(

Battle 2: LOSS

ManaRule 1Rule2

I am finally able to use the dragon summoner to boost Quora!! Everything started out pretty good but Quora missed her second melee attach and was unable to start the bloodlust train. This put her down an extra hit and then earthquake took its tole and wiped out everything else.

Battle 2.PNG(

Battle 3: Loss

ManaRule 1Rule2

Without the ability to boost my Quora on magic, I decided to run with water. with the rule being equalizer, I didn't want to load too much health and give the opponent an advantage so I decided to not use Djinn. Unfortunately, this ended up being a bad decision because the opponent used Quora and mushroom seer to blow through my frontline

Battle 3.PNG(

Battle 4: LOSS

ManaRule 1Rule2
25Equal OpportunityFire & Regret

This time I tried to use the dragon summoner Quora combo and I messed up. I put too many easy to kill cards in my lineup which gave their Quora the ability to go on a rampage and reap the rewards of easy kill bloodlust.

Battle 4.PNG(

Battle 5: LOSS

ManaRule 1Rule2
19Target PracticeBriar Patch

With the available splinters, I went with dragon. I thought that putting an armored frontline would help but I did not account for the magic cards available in the death splinter.

Battle 5.PNG(


I ended this brawl 1W-4L. As a guild we placed 6th and earned 900 Merits and 15.039 SPS. At the time of writing this post, SPS is priced at $0.023
Subtracting rental cost from the rewards ($0.345897 - $0.149) we ended with a profit of $0.196897!

The Calzones are Looking for Recruits!

Guild Recruit.png
Come check us out on the PIZZA Discord if you are interested.

🍕🍕🍕 What is PIZZA? 🍕🍕🍕

As with most activities connected to Hive, and the crypto world in general, I discovered PIZZA because of Splinterlands. Also like most Hive connected activities I discovered a world of possibilities beyond what I expected. So what exactly is PIZZA?

1️⃣ PIZZA is a trade-able token that can be staked for rewards and tipping, used to purchase games or traded for other tokens.

2️⃣ PIZZA is also an active Discord community for gamers and creatives. (I personally frequent the foodies-lounge, splinterlands and rising-star channels)

What are you waiting for, come check out the PIZZA Discord and join in the fun 🎉
Looking to join splinterlands and start earning money? Click here!


@candnpg for the Pizza sections