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Do you still use Google Chrome Browser? (β†ͺ️ Resteem : 1.00 STEEM)

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Hi, guys! What have you been up to? I've been doing nothing much πŸ˜‚ Today, I'm introducing Brave browser, as you guys may know it well. I've been using it for 1 year. Thus, I can explain that to use Brave browser is better than Google Chrome browser. Today, I'm not much explaining the technical issues like blockchain and cryptocurrency. Because we don't need to much know that using it.

Briefly, Brave browser is a kind of Internet Browser and AdBlock like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and so on. But, It's different from them. Blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies are partly adopted in Brave browser. However, we don't need to know that in detail. We just enjoy surfing the internet without ads and earning BAT(Basic Attention Tokens) from it.

When you watch some videos on YouTube, you have to watch ads regardless of your willing. It's literally irritating you guys. Brave browser can get rid of ads, when you watch something on YouTube, and reading an article on NEWS platform.

Image Source : Quora

They introduced Brave browser is up to 3x faster than other browsers. I'd used Google Chrom browser from 2010 to 2018. I feel Brave browser is faster than it in terms of the Web version. By the way, I have no idea πŸ€” which is faster between mobile Chrome and mobile Brave. I hope it would be improved afterward.

The remuneration started 3 months ago, and I have been only using Brave browser to search for information or watch some videos on YouTube. That's all. Then I got 6.8 BAT tokens and will receive 1.0 BAT next month. Isn't it really interesting?

In my opinion, there are 4 entities like content creators, content consumers, advertisers and operator in a platform. And people have been recognizing we also have to receive their revenue on the platform. If there are no content consumers in the platform, It will be no revenue from advertisers.

So, this is the reason why you leave Google Chrom browser, right now!

How to receive STEEM giveaway?

β‘  Resteem this post. (1.00 STEEM)

Someone who has less than 100 followers, 40 reputations and 100 posts is not eligible to take part in this promotion. As well as suspicious bot users.

If you are done, I'll send STEEM in 24 hours.

Thank you for reading my blog 😊

I hope that you guys download Brave browser web and mobile version without ads, and receive BAT tokens, and enjoy faster browsing feature!

This is my STEEM Giveaway Channel on Telegram.

Feel free to join this channel πŸ€—