Back from the-future! Brainstorming - The Best idea for a Challenge - Nr. 3 + The winner of the second edition! New Guidelines + 20-40 SBD in Prizes!

Welcome to the #brainstorming-challenge!!!

I want to congratulate and thank everyone for your amazing ideas! The winning idea for this second edition belongs to: @jochi (please contact me on

@jochi's idea for the #brainstorming-challenge is about a challenge where participants create a PLAY that shows conversations between two or more persons, this play should be related to A TITLE that he will post every week. The challenge is called #iPlay

Congratulations to all the participants and to our winner of the second #brainstorming-challenge  

New Guidelines:

  • any idea is welcomed
  • interaction between participants should be encouraged
  • your challenge idea should be for a larger audience
  • the idea must be unique ( it can't be a challenge that was already made here on Steemit)
  • make a new post with your idea and tell us why and how is going to be helpful for the Steemit Community
  • put in the title the name of your idea
  • post your idea with the tag #brainstorming-challenge ( one of the 5 tags must be #brainstorming-challenge)
  • Each user can have up to 3 entries that will be considered in challenge
  • upvote and resteem this post to support this project! 
  • you can leave a comment below with the post link so people can see your idea

The prizes:

  • all the entries will get an upvote from me  
  • I will help the winner to put in practice the new challenge 
  • the best idea will have a chance to win 20 SBD or 40 SBD ( if the winner wants 40 SBD, I will send 10 SBD every week to support that idea for a new challenge) 
  • the winner will be pick when the payout period ends

I have always believed that everyone must have the opportunity to express their ideas! If you are not a person who gives up to easily, then this is a chance to start your own challenge! I'm looking forward to see your ideas!

Any ideas to make the #brainstorming-challenge more interesting will be highly appreciated!  

Previous posts of #brainstorming-challenge

Ideas in progress from the #brainstorming-challenge:

  • #jokechallenge hosted by @gabriel.ncl ( this challenge already has a lot of entertaining entries: If you want to participate in this challenge, you should read the rules here: rules)

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