Fyrstikken and @booster bot just declared war on #newsteem

It was inevitable. It was expected. It was called out..

And now it has happened.
@fyrstikken, the bot owner of @booster has declared war on anyone that downvotes bidbotted posts.


His business is threatened, his profits are lowered, investors will slowly start considering pulling their delegations from bidbots and the "shitpost kingdom" will fall.

A year ago Fyrst said openly:

We are invested (Booster) in Steem because of all the shitcontent.

What happens when shitcontent producers no longer buy votes?

It started with Fyrst but he will not be the only one going after #newsteem.
He will gather an army of brainless poltroons in his chat and make them fight for him and his profits.

Just remember, #newsteem doesnt win by retaliating to fyrst or booster. #newsteem wins by killing bot profits even more and forcing their delegators to leave.
Now its time to see if my other prediction was correct. If Steem is indeed filled with cowardice.
Lets not make that prediction a correct one. šŸ˜‰

This will be war.
The war against the machine.


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