My Reading Place


When you think about reading your location is almost as important as the actual book you intend to read. Looking back, it's pretty interesting how your reading place changes depending on where you are in life and how much time you devote to the mental exercise. As a teenager my reading place resided at the foot of my bed where I could close the door to my room and escape for hours in whatever position the books tone demanded at the time. I was an "active" reader so that ranged anything from kneeling on the floor with the book open on the bed as if in prayer to laying on my back, pillow under head, with the book tilted at just over a 45 degree angle for relaxed reading to literally halfway hanging off the foot of the bed elbows to the floorboards holding the book open with one hand and biting nails off the other. Even now when I get to be all alone to read "active" is my default mode.


College turned me into more of a "studious" reader where being still at a desk is demanded for the sanity of others. My room was no longer private but shared and next to others rooms with different noise schedules. So, my reading place changed from my room at home to the library where reading upside down in a chair is generally frowned upon. I know I used to work in one! The restrictions on movement didn't bother me too much in the end. All was quiet except for the occasional shuffling of feet, the rustle of pages or the quick slip of a book from the bookshelf and the almost random stamping of the librarian as books were checked out. I felt as though I were being allowed to read inside a book temple of sorts. The books changed of course to things more concrete in nature. Not much flying away in reading about chemical bonds and rules of grammar but I still made time for books more fantastical even if it was at a table or a more studious position in the library.


Nowadays, I read at home again but not in my room! I have at least four reading places here depending on what my children do throughout the day as my attention has to be divided in most cases. There's a bench by a window where the cloudy days are best. Also the kitchen countertop where I can squeeze in a chapter between making snacks for the kiddos while sipping coffee. Another favorite is the dining room table where I can both read and watch the children play or help my oldest with homeschool. Arwen, my kitten and newest reading buddy, usually curls up at my feet or in my lap. My favorite spot, however, has to be the guest room where I can sit the kids to watch a quick program while I revert to my teenage active self surrounded by my books.


When looking for your reading place consider these three things:
1-Why are you reading? To relax or to study? Is there an outcome needed at the end? Determining the "why" will help you set your mood. The library is not as relaxing to me as my guest room but so would be able to answer a query better at a library.
2-What are you reading? Does it require attention to detail or is it an "easy read" for a break? Determining what you are reading will help you pick a place that has an appropriate distraction level acceptable to your goal. Reading outside is great for relaxing but you might get hit by a frisbee at the park. Whereas if you are studying the dining room table has a more restricted set of distractions and you'll have the benefit of knowing what this distractions will be.?
3-What do you need to read? Think about what will help you be comfortable. Do you need background noise like at a coffee shop? Do you need the sun or smell of nature like at the park? If you need more than one book to research for study and quiet to focus, the library may be a good place to start. Just make sure to explore the library!! There are always reading areas hidden throughout that offer a more private experience.




A pic of my Reading Buddy. :) Couldn't help it. Have fun finding your reading place! I'd love to hear where your favorite spot is!

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