Remember, God is the holder of control in this universe, so whatever happens in life we ​​should return it to him

Whatever our problems, as much as any difficulty we face, and as much as any sadness that befalls us, rests and hopes only on God, because we will be stronger in facing everything when we know how to depend on Him.

All-God in this world, then make sure we never fool to leave Him. All-wise God in completing a business, then make sure we are not far from Him.

Realize wisely, God is the strongest place to lean, so lean only on Him, so that whenever we are always strong in living everything that happens.

Expect the best from Him tirelessly and without hesitation, because after all God will never disappoint our hopes.

After all, we must always be aware, that Allah writes our destiny. So, about sadness, misfortune, failure, and problems that come, it all happens at His will, so we deserve to return to it.

Ask for the best instructions from each moment.
In any condition, we must never fail to hope in Him, not only so that we are always fine, but it is appropriate for us to be grateful.

Because when we hope it means that we are giving full thanks to Him, and when we surrender, surely God will give the best to us.

And we need to remember again, that God is wise in granting the hope of his servants, so make sure we only hope in Him.

Our selves will surely remain strong in carrying out all the things that have become His ordinances, when we are able to boldly hope in Him, ask for His help, and ask for the best way from Him.

As well, what we have to know is that God will never disappoint the hopes we have made of us to Him, and if any of us complain of disappointment over His destiny even though they have fully hoped for Him, then of course there is something wrong in hoping.

Because if we have truly hoped for Him, even though our hope is not according to His destiny, then surely we will accept it wisely, because God will surely give us strength for sincerity.

Remember, God is the holder of control in this universe, so whatever happens in life we ​​should return it to him.


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