Looking for the perfect one? Looking for the best? Looking for nothing that is lacking at all? It is impossible


Looking for the perfect one? Looking for the best? Looking for nothing that is lacking at all? It is impossible, because there is no perfect meaning in this world, because perfection belongs only to Allah Azza Wajalla.

Looking for the best? Yes, until whenever you will never find it, because searching and continuing to search there will be no end.

The proof, if you choose the most beautiful one from the beautiful one, you will find more beautiful ones. Likewise women, when you choose the handsome one from the handsome, then there will definitely be more handsome ones.

You must stop looking for the perfect or the best, because the perfect and the good everything is never in the world.

learn to accept everything with full awareness, realize that he will be truly perfect if you yourself are humble to perfect it.

Stop comparing, because just comparing it will never end.

So, if you have found a good one, then don't look for a gap to find a better one, because he will be really good if you complete it well.

Know, you will be forever single if what you are looking for is perfect.

Because finding and comparing will never end, that's why you have to soften your heart to never look for the perfect one.

you will be forever lonely living your life, if what you are looking for is all that is good.
So, don't look for the best of all that is good, because the best you will not find if you are not good at your heart to realize that the best is created not sought.

Because the best is created, then from now on stop comparing if there is something good, because even if everything is good it will not look good in your eyes, if all you see is lack.

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