Officer's body recovered from Gulshan office

Police recovered the body of Shakil, 18, from the office of 'Tinsale Town', an official in the city's Gulshan area.

On Tuesday evening, Shikil's body was found on the floor of the office of Niketan 3.

His throat and arms are marked by the trauma of sharp arms.
Officer-in-Charge of Gulshan Police Station Abu Bakar Siddique said the people of the advertisement company would call off the phone on Shakil's phone in the morning. After that phone call to his father and ransom is demanded. After giving the matter to the police station, using the technique, he continued to communicate with his family through this mobile phone. The place was assigned to Niketon's office to pay the ransom money.

From the morning the police members took positions around the office of the advertising company from the plan to get the ransom money to be taken. That is why other officers and employees are not allowed to go to the office.

OC said, after setting the time and place for money two or three times, no one came to take money, police broke into the office door in the evening and entered inside. There his bloody bodies were found there.

Attempts are being made to arrest those involved in the killings, he said.

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