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"Buzz Bombs" by Richard F. Yates

Hey Humanoids!

Let's start the night's entertainment with a little artwork:

[Ink on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.]

I don't know what this piece MEANS, but the colors are fun, and the monster is silly (even if his mouth is full of bloody teeth! Ha! Blood... PG-13 for this post, I guess...)


It's bedtime again, and I'm tired as a SMURF, but I'm feeling pretty good at the moment; (rum & Coke, frozen wine-pop, and chocolate cake... Dementors be damned!) Plus, my older daughter brought the baby over for a few minutes tonight, and we listened to some tunes and played with a squirt gun... So THAT was fun...

Earlier today, my younger daughter and I went firework shopping. We hit three different stands and spent more than we should have, but this is the first 4th of GHOULIE that the baby is old enough to MAYBE enjoy what's happening. We tried to find visually appealing stuff that wouldn't be TOO loud and scare the kid. Here's what we came up with:

[Purple Rain is our favorite...]

AFTER shopping, we came back here and Ellie and I played a few rounds of MORTAL KOMBAT on my new machine before she took off to go eat. Good stuff!!!

The final thing I want to mention tonight is that I was interviewed by Matthew from CENT for an Artist Spotlight episode of his podcast!!! We talked for almost an hour about art and writing and the complexities of social media, culture, and blockchain technologies, and I for one had a great time. I've listened to SEVERAL of Matthew's podcast episodes now, and they are always thought provoking and entertaining. I highly recommend giving them a listen, starting with this one, naturally!!!

Alrighty, I'm calling the fight---throwing in the towel---and crashing out for the night! Talk at you again tomorrow!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)