Life Update: I have Not Been Posting...

I do not know the title of this blog just yet. but I am here to just express myself and if you are a friend of this page Thank you! I have been absent lately because of everything that has been going energetically. I feel completely different about blogging, making YouTube videos, I am not sure why I have been experiencing this halt. It is very different and I am still trying to understand it. I do realize it is because of the shifts we are having consciously and maybe I will understand soon, I just feel a bit lost when I try to even think about blogging and typing up a new Traditional Medicinal blog or anything in general. I do not feel as I use to and I apologize to those who have missed me or have been waiting for a new post. Again I thank you for taking interest in my content and also for having the effort to read about health to help you.

I wish I had more to say but I don't seem to understand why I am feeling so distant with this right now. I will update you with how I am feeling later this week and see if anything changes. I wish everyone a lovely day with love and compassion! Until next time... Peace!


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