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Speaker's Monthly Report #2 - Update on the game, First Year Anniversary on Steem, my opinion on upvoting bots, and more!

Firstly I would like to thank you all who supported me on my first Speaker's Monthly Report(™). I know 1 Steem Dollar isn't much for someone(i didn't get whole SBD), but for me, every cent or every view on my post means to me. Since there is a lot to talk about, let's start.

Game Development

Before I start I want to say that my last project i posted was deleted, but i started it again with different mindset than before. Instead of concentrating on features that are unnecessary, I am trying to make good foundation and make features that actually matter for base gameplay. There is a lot to talk about so i will just break it down for you.


I decided to keep first person shooter as main genre of the game, but also change some foundation stuff like movement. It will be fast-paced with some parkour features that will be useful (I will talk about them later).

Next thing I needed to do is choose source control. If you don't know what that is, it is basically like a cloud that keeps your game files for other people that develop same game to access. I chose Git because I have best experience with it. Instead of telling whole story about I made a little comic about it.


First thing i made a map. Here's the current version of it.
s4qhokxoge.png qwlulfuxxs.png xfeuwua0px.png d2rk26b67k.png xertzn21nn.png yqa3x4bwk9.png xcmt2yu23v.png sasgfn6170.png cmbqvmfv4l.png pjhvqb9up7.png 2zmi303btu.png


Again, instead of explaining it, I will just let you see each mechanic trough videos below(I know quality is not the best, but the game is still not optimised).

Movement and shooting

Jump Pads and Speed Boosters

Wall Running

All Mixed Together

First Year Anniversary

As I said in my introduction, I am grateful for everything Steem platform has given to me - experiences, knowledge, cryptocurrency and will to do everything I post that makes me better. As long as I live i will cherish those moments in life that Steem gave me. I don't have enough words to describe how I feel, so i will keep it here.

Upvoting Bots

I know most of you probably is or was aganist bots, including me. First I thought that only people that use bots are selfish people who only want money, but the I thought that most of content I love(such as new projects) I discovered in Trending page. Then I thought bid bots might be useful for funding project such as my game.

This got me to my final desicion on Steem Blockchain:

"I will use only upvoting bots for content that is worth it! "


I hope you like this type of posts as I will continue to make progress on my game. Support would be kindly appreciated as I need to pay more repository size for my game.

Have a nice day :)