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Strange String Of Presidential Polls By Ricky Gervais On Twitter

This might be a little tabloid-y, but hey -- it was on my mind! And Steemit is supposed to be a social network, so I'm posting about random stuff.

Ricky Gervais' Twitter

Presumably for the 4th of July, the popular English comedian started a string of polls on Twitter asking people who their favorite president was.

This was the first one I found, and to be honest, all of the polls are a little strangely compiled.


I mean, obviously, the guy is trying to be funny and trollish, and I suppose he's being effective in that sense lol

More than likely Gervais purposely made all of the polls unbalanced, and in the case of the poll above there's 3 Republicans and one Democrat, so any left-leaning person only has one option, while right-leaning people have 3 choices to split the base.

His other polls are similarly unbalanced, with one having 3 Democrats and one Republican.

Honestly, if I had to make the same poll and was limited to 4 choices, I would do this:

  • Trump
  • Regan
  • JFK
  • Obama

This has the two most recent presidents of both parties, and the other two are the most popular presidents from those parties in recent history. I think we'd get a more balanced result from this poll.

But obviously, this isn't something to take seriously. Still, that's my opinion.

What do you think?

If you were to make a poll, who would you include?

Tell me in the comments.

Follow me @shayne