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Piss Drama at Work!!!

I'm not sure I should be posting this here, but I don't really give a fuck anymore


I won't use any names or anything. Hell, I don't even have my location in my profile or my full name or anything.

I need your advice, Hive. Not that anyone really ever comments on my posts or anything. I know, it's a two-way street. I make some comments here and there, but not nearly as many as I should. I'll work on it if you will!

There's been some drama at work that I'm involved in indirectly. Or at least I think indirectly. This morning, myself and a material handler from work went outside to some trailers our company keeps on the property for extra storage. We were looking for big, long boxes of plastic tubes that are used in making products our company makes.


When we went out there, we noticed that there were bees all around the trailer. We looked inside, and sure enough, there are nests everywhere. The other employee that was with me is allergic to bees, so he didn't go in very far before retreating.

I notice that on one of the big, long boxes of plastic tubes, there was a wet mark right at about dick height. The wet spot continued down the box from about dick height and made a pattern pretty consistent with a good, long piss. The liquid that got on these boxes also pooled on the floor and soaked the bottom of two of the boxes.


It smelled like piss in this trailer. The other employee I mentioned, who didn't even go that far into the trailer, noticed that it smells like piss. So there's that.


Because I thought this act was completely disgusting and was actually pretty pissed (no pun intended) that someone did this, I alerted a few people in charge. The company checked the video, and someone went into the trailer empty-handed and then came out a short while later empty-handed. A little while after that, myself and the other employee entered the trailer looking for the boxes of plastic tubes.

Right away, I noticed that the box was all pissy. I got out of a trailer a few times, annoyed, because of the pissy box and all of the bee's nests. I'm sure that's on the video, too, and I'd love to see it. If there's video, I'm surprised I'm not fired.

Here's where it gets sticky

The employee who went into the trailer for a short time was a 20 year veteran of the company. When they presented him with the evidence and questioned him about it, he swore he didn't do it, and walked off. He quit, after 20 years. The company didn't fire him for this, mind you. They were warning him that he was always on camera and that he can't do stuff like this.


Part of me thinks that, if I'd known it was this particular employee who did it, I wouldn't have said anything. That's just because I feel a little guilty. I did like this guy. The thing is, I had no idea it was him who did it. I assumed it was one of the new temp workers we had, who tend to be really young. I don't regret saying something, because I do think it's disgusting. We have plenty of bathrooms at work. I have to bear hug those boxes of plastic tubes to get them out of the trailer. I would prefer that people did not piss all over them.

Apparently, my boss is angry


Not because someone pissed in the trailer, but because this caused a 20-year employee to quit. He's mad at everyone and, apparently, I'm supposed to tready lightly around him at work tomorrow.

Well, if he wants to get shitty with me about thie pissy incident, I won't take it. If he tries to reprimand me for it, I'll tell him to fuck off and walk right out the door. I'll feel confident telling future job interviewers about why I left and continue to feel justified in doing so.

Am I in the wrong?


Should I have just shut up about someone pissing on the box? Or is that disgusting, especially considering a> we have plenty of bathrooms at work and b> I have to handle these boxes and go into this trailer?

Seems like something a drunk person would do.