4 noticeable occurrences of August 2017... So far!

Number 1: Bitcoin Marketcap surpassed that of Paypal and Netflix
The market cap of bitcoin briefly surpassed the market capitalization of payment giant Payapal and video streaming Netflix. This is a great news for cryptocurrency community as bitcoin bounced to an All-Time-High after the uncertainty of the fork which occurred on August 1st. According to a CNBC article, Goldman Sachs says bitcoin may rise about $500 more.

bitcoin surge.JPG
Image Credit: Coinmarketcap

Number 2: Vehicle as weapon in the USA and Barcelona
The incidents in Charlottesville, USA and Barcelona, Spain are unrelated except that the weapon of choice of the attackers in both cases are motor vehicles. Unfortunately, many died and several others were injured. I pray for the victims and hope some sanity is restored to the world.

Image Credit: Redstate

Number 3: Twisted attack on freedom of speech
After the incidence in Charlottesville, the neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer, took to the internet to ridicule the lady who was killed in the attack. The criticism was so strong it forced the website off the internet as the hosts removed support for them including cloudflare. I quite agree that the dudes at The Daily Stormer are proper a-holes, I think this action could be a double-edged sword that could set a dangerous precedent for control of free speech even for activists promoting genuine causes.

Image Credit: Geckoandfly

Number 4: Sierra Leone suffers terrible mudslide
When nature visits, everyone is equal. The outskirts of the Sierra Leone's Freetown experienced a major mudslide killing hundreds of individuals. Many haven't yet seen the bodies of their lost ones. I watched with a heavy heart a woman whose three (3) kids are completely buried in the site where authorities are looking to remove bodies so they may get proper burials as there is little hope of finding survivors now. As if that is not enough, the government has warned of more mudslides as rain forecasts.

Image Credit: AfricanSuntimes

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