(ESP/ENG) No saber que hacer con tu vida /Not knowing what to do with your life

Salir de la secundaria es uno de los logros que llena de satisfacción a la persona que pasa por ese momento, hasta que llega esa circunstancia que no quedaste seleccionado en ninguna universidad es una de las sensaciones mas desagradables que puedes pasar, mas que ya no volverás a ver a tus compañeros con quienes compartiste tantas ocasiones como lo fueron buenos y malos momentos que te dejaban una sonrisa o simplemente aprendías algo nuevo.

Leaving high school is one of the achievements that fills the person who goes through that moment with satisfaction, until that circumstance arrives that you were not selected in any university is one of the most unpleasant sensations that you can go through, but that you will not return. to see your colleagues with whom you shared as many occasions as were good and bad moments that left you with a smile or you simply learned something new.

Matricular en una universidad y ser un profesional para muchos es lo mejor, aunque un titulo universitario no define a una persona de ser exitosa o ser fracasada, por que cada quien le llega y tiene la oportunidad de ser exitoso o como dicen por ahí sus 15 minutos de fama. Hay tantas cosas por hacer pero esta en ti marcar la diferencia si quieres ser uno mas del montón o sobresalir de ese montón, existen infinidades de cursos por Internet, cantidades de trabajos online, muchos test de personalidad y de vocación con cada uno de ellos podemos saber en somos buenos.

Enrolling in a university and being a professional for many is the best, although a university degree does not define a person to be successful or to be a failure, because everyone comes to him and has the opportunity to be successful or as his 15 people say. minutes of fame. There are so many things to do but it is up to you to make a difference if you want to be one of the many or stand out from that heap, there are infinities of courses on the Internet, quantities of online jobs, many personality and vocation tests with each of them we can know in we are good.



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