Flowers, Tyranny, and the Future, Digital Art and Response Blog to Russell Brand

Flowers, Tyranny, and the Future

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If you happen to be in North America, your skies are likely smoky or out-right on fire. In Europe ... your streets are likely flooded with water or freedom protestors. Your news will report on the first; the media cannot resist a good horror story, and misreport on the second.

We really do have to start coming together, take that 'at most' 3/1000 chance of death and come up with better solutions. Our leaders are not up to the job. They either haven't the intellect or the fortitude of character to see us through this. We really can't leave it up to the supposed ruling class. It's time to question and learn, stop choosing any side that isn't the side of the human race and this glorious planet we all share.

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Seriously the next time some political pundit starts talking about the evils of the left or the right, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, sheep, or covidiots, you tell them where they can shove their scapegoating and fear-mongering. Stop letting them turn us against each other and away from knowledge, wisdom, and health.

Our elected official and industry titans are lost and leading us to ruin and tyranny. NO hyperbole. It is up to us to fix this folks. Everything we need is provided within us and from nature. We just have to learn to say no to a few natural drives that do not serve a technology-evolved species like ourselves. We have to learn to honor the individual but also serve a greater whole by learning when to say NO more.

Say no more to fear and greed. Say YES to nurturing nature, beauty, and freedom. To education and collective security. You won't get that from a needle by the way. That is about profit and false promise ... at best.


Health comes from understanding and nurturing nature and a healthy mind. Science generally only helps when you didn't get the first part right, and attempting to profit monetarily for 'health care' generally doesn't help at all. It just shifts around the suffering to keep you a permanent consumer of health care products.

We can do better. Let's give up letting others think for you; shut down those cognitive short cuts and propaganda driven media has programmed into you, and work together from a standpoint of individual strength and mutual respect.


Have a watch of Russell Brand and take a read of my comments and then let me know what you think.

We are divided into the human race upon the planet Earth. There is no escaping that; We NEED to have a way of working together globally. The only way we are going back to tribes is through an apocalypse.

No, thank you.

Tribal life was not utopian and did not result in more freedoms. Our lack of freedoms now de facto evolved from the lack of freedoms found in small-scale tribal life. Yes. We were closer to nature but because survival demanded it.

We have a tendency to idealize pre-history (before written record) civilizations.Tribalism, small or large scale, is dangerous. It fosters xenophobia, almost without fail. There were some exceptions that resulted in more egalitarian governing structures, but most tribes had chiefs and a ruling family, fought over land, and with each other. Owned slaves.

Europeans fit in rather well and exacerbated that melée. Made it worse and not better ... no doubt about that; but when they first arrived they were very few in number, and many natives were eager to trade with them for tribal advantage. At the beginning, it was the natives that held the power.

(Our shared past bad behaviours does not excuse the injustices of today. And boy did colonialism master atrocities. I am not arguing for the status quo wrt to aboriginal relations. I carry my own First Nation's blood and recognize the strength this has lent me, and the debt we have yet to pay to our brothers and sisters that were her first. I recognize the harm European-style colonialism and paternalism has wrought and am doing my best to prevent it today on a global scale.)


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Tribal populations were often smaller and that meant the consequences were not felt globally. When populations grew, just like today, it led to ecological disasters, particularly after agrarian and sedentary lifestyles took hold. Turns out, the soil doesn't like to be tilled and regularly stripped of most of its life. Go figure. But empires require crops to both keep people in place and to immobilize them en masse. In this way, empires both expand and set their own expiration date. (Malcolm Gladwell) The problem is now we may be setting one for the whole planet.

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We can foster a world that is closer to nature and one without an inevitable downfall. That is a choice and a choice we should make. Many cities are working towards this. As we expand our consciousness through emotional/spiritual maturity and intellectual pursuit, we can and will build both macro and micro systems that function to nurture a better world.

The value doing us in is COMPETITION and its strong arm greed. Competition for the betterment of the individual is no less harmful than competition for the betterment of the group/tribe. Balance the central requirement for health and longterm survival and it is set off kilter by competition.


Our way forward is to learn to mimic natural cycles and compliment them with modern science and engineering, and not co-opt them for profit and competition sake. Nothing gets done in science or medicine these days, if corporations can't turn a profit. That is not progress and very, very dangerous to humanity and the planet. We need to give up this ethos or it will do us in.

It isn't capitalism either, by the way. It destroys a free-market, ingenuity, and gobbles up small businesses and industry. Devours the invisible hand. Corporatism is tribalism. Anti-trust behaviour is its tool of domination and colonialism. Corporatism is hegemony and has more common with communism (centrally planned economy and government systems) than socialism and economic system that seeks to more equally functionally distributive resources and decision making.

In the end you can call it what you want. Who cares what we call it. Just those who want to distract you from demanding and working towards better.

Tyranny is tyranny and it involves putting resources and power into the hands of a few while the price of suffering and lack is paid by the majority.


Bigger, better designed, and greener cities means more nature can be left to diversity, left to do its thing and maintain itself. NATURE: the invisible hand that truly keeps us alive and flourishing. It means we can focus engineering feats on smaller areas and modify less land. Urban living and free and liberal access to education naturally brings down population and promotes ingenuity. No genocide, wars, and pandemic promotion needed. We need smarter and stronger people and not weak and propaganda-programmed people. We need possibility and potential.

To being a LEADER ... only fools and power-mongers want that in the system as it exists. Could you imagine having to be the bloke that orders bombs dropped on babies. Imagine what that does to the psyche. Virtually every world leader develops a squint. They are in pain and tends to show.

We should be moving towards councils and consensus and give up the idea of rulers altogether. If we shifted towards a society where we took care of each other and distributed resources in a way where the majority of the world's population did not have to worry about basic survival; if education and critical thinking was a focus; just about all of us would be fit to take a turn at offering leadership. It would be something we were periodically called to do and not something fought and lied over in order to keep a competitive advantage for yourself, your family, nation, your tribe, or any arbitrary in-group assigned or chosen for you.

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