Dad always said "dont rush things"

But as usual I still dont listen.
In my haste to install new temp solar power system i stripped the cable connector in the cheap charge regulator. Ordered new one straight away but that wont arrive until next week, been unable to fix this unit. I rushed things because of comment by @boyanpro regarding events I missed.
I contacted lawyers used in property purchase regarding contacting Julian to confirm my claim as to being the original Prime Suspect. They said they would ring me back on Monday, still waiting. I expected this, as all legal things it sometimes takes a while to turn things to your advantage.
They did not like the free valid legal advice I gave Julian between 3 weeks before his 17th birthday and 21st August 1989 (taken directly from Malcolm Turnbulls "Spycatcher" case in the mid 1980s). I will make them hate the free valid legal advice I will soon give you all free of charge that you can profit from (Australian and US citizens).

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