Oh you know

Gotta write stuff, and the odd thing is I think on Hive there has always been the trend that many people post less when the token is down. Which can be rather baffling since they earn more Hive on the dollar in those times.

Now if it is just a quick dip sure you mainly benefitting from the one or two posts that pay out during the dip but if it is quite the dry spell then that is whatever % you think it is down extra in earnings from payouts.

I think.

Maybe it is just an old wives tale.

I guess that is all dandy for the everyday poster types and ooh look ma I am in a cummunity. No shade, we all just jabbing, cap.

The Hive price matters a bit more to me recently since I am running a powerdown and not exactly for something silly like "taking profit" or "buying splinterlands cards", and as always what has irked me about crypto in general is just that it frankly take 100x the time to accumulate than to spend.

Obviously from a lazyass bum perspective but still I would guess even for the diligent it is an easy 10x time to acquire vs basic use.

Hmmm how can I frame that... If you had a real job you would be at 1x ... Yeah that makes sense.

Anyway rambling aside, it does feel like a nice time to buy and since I did take out my HBD for stuffs which I guess is good and bas as all things are, I would like to focus on getting that rebuilt a tad again aside from that I am mainly just in a tornado mindset of things.

I know I want to have lotsa money but frankly no clue how :P Ah aren't we all.

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