Introduction Post

Hi guys

Thank you for your kind responses on my previous post.
My apologies if I have not properly introduced myself earlier

My name is Jemson, you may call me Paul. This is me. screenshot_20170110_131251.png

Just turned 29 last month. Feeling kinda sad that I would soon no longer be considered as a "youth" in some countries. But I'm still gradually "adulting".

Currently working as a software tester testing finance related apps.
With that being said, dont ask me to help you resolve IT issues or loan money though, I'm neither IT support nor a banker.

Joke aside, I have been in the cryptocurrency (prefer to call it Digital Assets) space for slightly more than 4 years now. And I'm still learning something new everyday. This includes learning about a decentralised social media platform called Hive/Ecency.

Shoutout to @foxkoit for introducing me to this wonderful community and thank you, the viewers, for making it this far.

And before I leave, here's what I had for lunch. 20220517_123724.jpg

Something with spice and flavour but yet not too spicy. Something with rice but yet not too filling. But most importantly, it has meat and vegetables which I prefer on my current diet.

Thank you and have a great day

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