Hope in times of Despair

Hi guys.

It's me Paul again. I'm finally free on the weekends to finally publish a new post on my blog. This time on what I learned from a historical event. More specifically, a scandal. A scandal called the Dreyfus Affair.
In case you did not know, here is a short summary of the scandal. The Dreyfus Affair was a political scandal that caused divisions in France from 1894 until 1906. It remains one of the many examples of modern injustice in the world shaped by social, political and economic circumstances not too different from today.

The role played by the press and public opinion proved crucial in the Dreyfus Affair.

You can read more about the Dreyfus Affair from the original source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair


Anyway, one might ask, so Paul, why write about this 19th century case of the miscarriage of justice?

My reason: to encourage fellow crypto believers and freedom seekers to persevere and NEVER give up despite the tough times, crappy economic situation, FUD, degradation and even false accusations that we face on a daily basis.

Despite all the shit that Alfred Dreyfus had to endure, he didn't just simply give up, unlike the well known French stereotype. On the contrary, he continued to maintain and fight for his innocence and with help from several influential friends and sympathizers, got released from exile, re-trialed(though also unsuccessful) and eventually got pardoned and vindicated with his military rank and innocence restored.

Dreyfus serves as a great example of hope in times of despair. A hope that one day, we will be vindicated for standing up to what we believe in which includes truth, justice and freedom.

Thank you all for reading this week's post and follow my blog if you still have not done so.
Oh, before I forgot, here is a picture of Alfred Dreyfus:

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