Greed Clouds a Man's Mind.


Once a noble man built a grand house. In front of the house he hung a sign board on which he wrote,"The house will be given free of cost to the person who can prove that he is contented."

Once a man knocked at the gate and desired to speak to the noble man.The porter on duty asked him to wait and went in.Coming back, he conducted the man to the noble man. The noble man pointed to a chair and asked the man to sit down on it. "Can I do anything for you?" said the noble man. "I've have come to claim the house," answered the man, "and take possession of it."

"Why do you claim it, please?" asked the noble man.
"Because I am a contented person," said the man.
"Really!!" exclaimed the noble man. "Can you prove that you are contented?"

"I say I'm contented. I know my mind"
"Your knowing is not enough. You've to prove it."
"Contentment is a state of the mind. Can anyone show it?"

"But I can prove that you're not contented."
"You can look into my mind! Strange indeed!"
"I can't look into the inside of any man. You've yourself proved that you are not contented," said the noble man.
"How?" inquired the man.
"If a man is contented he does not wish for anything more.You're not satisfied with what you have; so you're still a victim of discontent."
The noble man smiled and the man went out crest fallen.

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