Score! My bed for the night.. (and no I didnt get lucky shepz! 😂)

On the way to an irish pub in Lublin, I went past a medium sized marquee that seems to have been used to shelter a new set of city benches whilst the fresh varnish dried, and smiled at the thought of not having to put the tent up in the dark.

So here we are! Tomorrow is sunday and so I know I wont be woken up by someone wanting to take the marquee down 😂 Sorry for the dark pics but I didnt want to use the flash!

Heres my bed set up on the bench and the dogs are up on here now aswell as its cold on the ground level. City sounds, drunken laughs and screams and nobody would ever guess I'm here..

What a time to just learn that I've lost my little pillow 😕

Good Night!

Big Love,

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