Signs that your Passion for Work is Gone


I am sitting here in work and for the first time in I think ever I have come to the realisation that I might lack passion.

The signs are all there;

  1. counting down the hours until home time
  2. putting off starting on my next work item
  3. telling myself I'll book in that meeting tomorrow as I just don't have the mind to do it now
  4. wondering how I find myself in this situation
  5. questioning my self worth

You see I dropped out of college in my third year, as an engineer and from there put my head down and got to working.

I've worked hard to be where I am, which is why the questions running through my head are concerning me so much. I have nothing put away and I make ok money.

I live close enough to home and I get to see my daughter on a regular basis. Even writing these things down has the voice in my head screaming out "you have it well, stop complaining"

Have I trapped myself or is it all just an illusion, will it pass or is this a sign that I might need to move on?

The feeling of being in over my head is all consuming lately so anyone with any experience of this and their opinion is gladly welcomed.


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