
Lately, I feel like I have been invisible on Steemit. I am only getting a few views when I post with over 600 followers.

Testing this out to see how many views I get for this post

As everyone says here, "join for the money, stay for the community", I do need the money and a lot of us do.

Some members have even quit their job to work on Steemit full time so, it's not just for the community for many of us. Honestly, since I was in a car accident and now not working, I am very worried about how I am going to pay my bills. So, I am hoping this Steemit thing will start to make me some money like others are on here.

I don't think it's entirely about content because I see members who only post their photography and do very well.

So, if they can do it, I can do it to. Now I just have to figure out what the big earners are doing to earn a lot of money.

Holy crap, Bitcoin is all the way down to $3,860.00. I wonder what is going on...

Maybe China rumours about banning cryptocurrency again? Now its down to $3,822.00. I'm so glad I sold at $3,950.00

Anyways, I'm going to close this now and go try to find out what's going on with the Bitcoin drop.

Have A Nice Night!

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