Devastating flood!!

Good day hiveans. It's another beautiful day and I hope y'all doing good.

Today I'll be sharing my experience with flooding this year along with some pictures I took some weeks ago.

These pictures where taken two weeks ago in the City of Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria. I had went out to get a few things in town, for the second time since the flood though. Last time I didn't take pictures but I decided to take some this time.

The flood this year has been unprecedented. I think the last flood close to this year's in magnitude is that of 2012. However this year's flood is massive and has reck all sort of havoc, render people homeless, laid waste farms, claimed lives, cutoff major roads.

My firsthand experience of the flood is in difficulty in transportation.
The flood outrightly cutoff a major road linking one half of the city to another. This roads are also major links to markets as well as to other states.

At the time of taking these pictures, the flood has gone done a bit but you can still see how to swallows up a whole building. That's the magnitude of the flooding.

The cause of the flood?. Well, it's majorly due to the fact that we're in the rainy season. However, release of water from Dams has been a huge contributing factor.

As I had mentioned earlier, the flood had cutoff a major road in the City and commutters have had to result to transport by boats from one end to another.
And this has led to an increase in the cost of transport. Which in turn has led to increase in cost of certain consumer goods.

Inspite of all the hardships, the government has done close to nothing to ameliorate the hardships. And there's seems to be no plan to avert the recurrence of such a disaster in the future.

Well, the elections are already close and I hope we get it right as a nation.

Thanks for reading.

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