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Who is @baah? Who cares? ...... information warfare - up close and personal..

This in reply to @baah (or whoever he really is)..

So let's get started...

Code is written by human beings and writing code is an action.

Your lack of comprehension -or attempts at conflation - are getting very predictable and boring. Must do better.

I have no dilemma about equity.
You keep reiterating it - as someone else has also done - in the same vein.
It appears that by your continued repetition of my apparent issue with equity - of which i have non - has some importance to you - or it is a very blunt attempt to undermine my argument.

If it is the latter, then it is fear of the truth that will be the motivating factor.
Fear of losing power?
Fear of Losing money?
I dunno...

My issue is with a non ethically based system where ethical behavior is not embedded in code , and of Steem FAILING - because of the very lack of ethical code in the system.

It's not rocket science - (well it might count as such, for baahl and other mentally ill individuals)..and it is an uncomfortable reality for those with personality disorders.
The mask comfortably worn for the last 3 years, will be removed if there is any change towards ethic.

The fact I get attention of the TBTB in steem is telling. (baah being the useful lap dog/employee/fake person)...
The only time is when I write about these subjects... it tells you a lot..(they are too fuckin' stupid to change their behavior)
One stupid person following another greedy person, does not wisdom, make.
(Stupid people love the collective as it can can make the devious look intelligent - but it never endures ).

Are you a little mentally slow, john/bah/and/ta/....whoever?

We agree property right are essential for ethics.

We agree the reward pool is no ones property.

We agree is it logically consistent for the largest stake have the largest share of the rewards pool.

Ethics cannot be present in the Steem rewards pool ecosystem, because of lack of property rights.

Fuck, you lot are really slow! ....or just manipulative and very, very scared.

Pointing this truth out IS THE THREAT to the manipulators (Those with large stakes in steem?).... because it has not been pointed out to people before.
When people realize this truth - it will either require change or may even be the collapse of Steem as it stands.(med/long term).


Because no enduring successful human social system in history has excluded ethical codes in any transactions of goods or wealth.

Is Steem 'different' and this time is will succeed, without any ethics?
(Echoes of socialism, do you think?....- it just wasn't done right.....)

Yes, it could succeed- if the world is run by sociopaths and totalitarianism is the order of the day.
(the only logical conclusion to a system without ethics)

No, Steem - as it stands - will fail, if the world is run by people. By humans.

I'll throw this one in for entertainment value...


I never said 'catching fish does not give you ownership over them' - Are you delusional?
I never said 'nobody own the ocean there for it's not ethical to own the catch' - Are you delusional?
Are you imagining a different reality?
Do you need medication?
Are you taking the bait, john...?

The postmodernist ,Marxist, sociopath, losers - are mentally ill, and so full of hubris - they think that people can't see through the Alinksy-esque strategies...
(the time of the sophist, is with it).

but you're not fooling me and those who are keen on what ethics are

An amoeba with learning difficulties could easily fool you, matey, if they so wished.
Rarely have I interacted with someone as naive ....(anyone over the age of 16, that is).

Just how old are you ?
(I will assume you are an 'adult' - in the loosest possible sense of the word- unless you tell me otherwise).