The forces are getting ready for D- Day...Lets start with some good sex...

It's funny, isn't it? (...well it is to me, in my very undisciplined, and unstructured outlook on life). It's funny how when I decide to do something, unless I am very strict with myself, fuck all gets done.

For example..
...I've had the 'd-day' date set in my mind for a while now, but only wrote it down this last fortnight.
It's changed something in me, with regards to my own perspectives. ...To getting things done.

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(Did I also mention that when I do manage to actually get around to singlemindedly putting my undisciplined , unstructured head into something - things do get done) .

And so to D-Day.

The forces are gathering, and the focus is sharpening...

The forces?
What are they?

The Bitten Apple Series.

The Lucylin series.

Sensation Traveler Series.

Let me explain....

The Sensation Traveler Series .

A mixture of short stories – snapshots if you like - from my 25 or 30 years traveling around this beautiful rock we call planet earth.
Mostly funny and tongue in cheek - (It's how I look at my times traveling)... a little sad to. Sentimental in places, exciting, fun, 100% real.
A meandering about the things that affected me, and why they did - and also what I learned from those experiences..(or didn't, as the case may be).

The Lucylin series .

A critical, and philosophical look at the way things are today in the world of the social media platform that is steemit.
Questions such as using the steemit as a platform to blog to earn income.

Philosophical positions to think about, etc, etc..

This series will also include fun things like 'how to destroy a postmodernist, and enjoy it...'(you get the idea about this part, I'm sure...)

I will be publishing off steem(it) and will I be publishing the results here, on steemit- to serve as a living example to my hypothesis.

I will succeed and prove myself to be correct, or I will fail and prove myself to to be incorrect. Simple.

I will spend not one minute more, in this entire project, than I have calculated to have spent on steemit, so far.
I see it as a two year project, the same as steemit , but it's kinda different somehow.
More serious, somehow..

I will be selling my writing off steemit as independent pieces, on different platforms, in different formats .

I will still be posting on steemit I think. I see it as a very different place now - than even just a few a months ago, and I will approach it as such.

I have no fucking clue as to what I'm doing, btw. (The same as when I joined steemit).

I have never done anything like this before. (my affiliate websites don't count, not even close).

Steemit has given me the confidence to write my stuff, that's for sure.
(yeah yeah, I know it could be much better - and it will be...see the next post - but read this one first...)
Steemit has shown me that this platform is not where I can leverage the value that I see in myself as having, to it's maximum potential.

I will be proved right or wrong, and I have zero problem with that.

(I have yet to be proven wrong in a business endeavor that I have committed myself to... just sayin').

Oh yeah.....back to the The Bitten Apple Series, and forces gathering...

Not a finished working introduction or anything, but a free writing sample of things to come, it is not formed,..yet..

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The Bitten Apple Series.

A 10 year erotic journey. A journey about the learning of myself, and my life's perspectives - on both a spiritual and philosophical level. (sex has very little to do with it).

There will be lots of sex in it!
This series will include lots of raw sex, gentle erotica, and intimate romance.

It will be a philosophical adventure more than anything gleaned through experiences of the flesh. Oh yeah, an' lots of raw sex.

While the vehicle of telling you my story is sexual in nature, the message is not the same as the messenger.

Sexy, funny, and hopefully illuminating. It covers other issues that are, at first glance - unconnected to sex.
.... the thing is ..nearly everything in life is connected to sex, in one way or another. Everything.
Many people are simply unaware of those connections.
I hope to help take the blinders off, for those wishing to see, or are interested in the subject generally.
I hope to offer insight with value, to help people work out for themselves, one the most confusing subjects .
Sexuality and sex.

It will be a lot more than sexy erotica...

I'll be posing theological questions , when clashing with human behavior and instincts - just as I will be posing evolutionary conflicts with the spirit and higher moral ideals, and - I think, will offer helpful answers to finding equilibrium that can satisfy the spirit, the genitals, the individual, and society as a whole... It is possible.
I know this for myself. And I'm not that different than anyone else.
Everyone is different, but in some things we have far more in common than you realize.
That definitely Includes sex.
You know some better when you've been naked with them, and spent time with that ... (most of the time).
How many people have been naked with to share that kind of intimacy with? 1?...10?...50?
I think that with every intimate moment that comes with nakedness, so does the deeper understanding of the human condition.....desires, love, fantasy, reality, ambition, security and insecurity, these are all human conditions best seen more clearly with no clothes on.
And I have seen lots of naked bodies, up close and very personal. And I do mean lots. I've spent time in that place.
Years, in fact.
As I see, it gives you an insight into understanding people and on a much deeper lever.
As adults, we've been given a fantastic opportunity to find playtime.
If play time isn't fun, it's not playtime.
And if you do know yourself, you cannot truly play in a care free manner.
Use it , don't waste it....

This series will be an opportunity for people to take a good look in the mirror, by taking using my own experiences and insights, and stories.
Hopefully they can be used as a reflection, or a spark, to seeing something hidden deep within yourself.

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My genuine hope for writing this erotic journey of mine - is that it helps others to get to know themselves better in someway.

If you truly know yourself in your sex and sexuality, then you will know yourself in so many other different ways in your life, and without any effort.

Just as things fall in place when aligned correctly, how can thing falls in place when not aligned correctly.
... it is a vital component in self discovery, in 'knowing thyself'. (and the one that's so often shied away from, why? Awkwardness? Yeah, fuck that..).

We are all on our own individual journeys of growth, and we all have our own path...

Everything I write about in terms of my experiences, are 100% true.
As are my philosophical and spiritual perspectives that I've learned along the way...

I make no claim to be an expert. (at anything, not just this subject).

I do claim however - that with my (over) ten years immersed in a sexual environment, a world of sex - and confronted with things that 80% of people never get to be confronted with, it provides me with a unique insight into the workings of the human mind and the sexual relationship everybody has.

The one with themselves.

In my next post , I'll submit a small part of one experience that will be published.(just a small excerpt from 'part 2').
Without full context, it will be a fun/erotic/dark/sexy - whatever. Take from it what you will.
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But with context ( reading parts 1 & 3 ), it offers up a whole set of questions , and answers, and observations.
It opens a whole discussion into something that many people have never had the pleasure of discussing.
With themselves. Or with others.

This is the kind of thing that I want to offer people, with this series...Not sex...
...but the opportunity to be more.

This series is not particularly aimed at steemians. (as if! lol)

An interesting thing to note here..

My erotica posts in steemit have had a value of less then 100 steem.
By that definition, they have very little value.
My erotica written off steemit has earned me hundreds of dollars (over 900 steem) in a few short months, and without much time investment.

This was one of the very reasons that I started questioning the whole system of 'value' for content in steem(it), and the steem rewards system to content producers...

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3 columns
2 columns
1 column