Food Blog #3: Night Fun Meal

Chicken Sandwich Salted Egg & Hot Choco Marshmallows


Have you ever feel hungry at night? If so, I think this is one of the best meal combo you can get.

It’s two days ago when the monster inside my stomach start grumbling (not an actual monster, I’m just hugry). It’s around 9 pm, I picked up my girlfriend and went for food.


We arive at the restaurant at 9:30 pm, we took our orders and got our food served. Name of the restaurant is Roti Bakar 543. For you who don’t know, roti bakar == toast. My girlfriend ordered her crispy tofu and I ordered chicken sandwich salted egg and hot choco marshmallows.


The food is great, the chicken is crispy and has a nice kick of flavor from the salted egg. I don’t know if salted egg is a thing in your country or not. But, it’s a hype here in my country. Now almost every restaurant have their salted egg sauce menu.


And the drink? You’ll never go wrong with hot chocolate and marshmallows. More dense the chocolate and more the marshmallows topping. Just a perfect couple. You know, like Romeo and Juliet, or Bonnie and Clyde? 🤪

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