
When Trump wins, I won't say I told you so. He won and will win. Fox News daytime is not watchable. In a class with CNN & MSDNC. Check out OANN, newsmax, and others that are picking up the slack. Even a boring football game, kneeling and all, is better! Technology means the study of practical arts.

Slavery vs Robots

How many things are made by slave labor versus how many things are made by machines automatically on an assembling line? Why do we need to buy things in China when robotic arms can build many things? Why not buy a 3D Printer?

Number One or 1 in Numerology

Top EU Scientist Warns CV Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women


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2020-12-06 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-06 - Sunday | Published in December of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-12-06 17:02:04 Jordan Peterson.png

Jordan Peterson has a daughter

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

For more information, visit Banned Video

Elections News

For more info, please visit Stop The Steal

Scott Adams shared this

02:02 PM - Twitter

Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden.

Trump Tweet

Fox News daytime is not watchable. In a class with CNN & MSDNC. Check out OANN, newsmax, and others that are picking up the slack. Even a boring football game, kneeling and all, is better!

They are trying to run out the clock on Trump and our votes. “They” are our Republican State House Speakers and Senate Presidents. They must be removed. 48 hours. Take off work. Be peaceful but give them no peace. None. Fight for Trump!

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

New Car Disease

08:43 PM - Facebook

The brand new car disease, pass this on for good luck. You'll never guess what this car disease is all about. See, sometimes, a car hits another car and people die. So, we must stay home until there are no new deaths from the car disease. We have to ban cars. Wait, that's crazy. Alright, we won't ban cars. But only one person per car because then less people will die in car accidents. One of the causes to this new disease, scientists claim, has something to do with this magical substance called alcohol. See, when an individual has too much beer in one's blood, the person goes mad and runs off a bridge into a ditch while murdering somebody's wife and three daughters. So, scientists agree the best way to stop the spread of alcohol from intoxicating each other is to wear masks. So, be safe and wear a mask to keep the alcohol from taking over your body, only you can prevent forest fires says Smokey the Bear. Captain Planet is our hero, gonna reduce pollution down to zero starting with alcohol. Also, no driving pass 08:00 PM because that is when alcohol likes to come out and play. You don't want to play with alcohol. Hide in your house where alcohol and especially wine can never ever find you, you're safe there, trust us, we're scientists and we do this all the time, so it must be true.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Chat with me on Facebook

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Blackies the Dog

08:10 AM - Facebook Conversation

I think you're right, I only have a few memories of that dog which came after another dog we had. I think we lost the black dog one time and found her or him. And then the dog was lost a second time. Perhaps somebody took the dog to the pound or the dog got loose from out of our backyard. This may have been in 1991.

Facebook Question

08:26 AM - Facebook

Does the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?

Jorge Peralta, you will die someday, it is inevitable. Therefore, by that logic, stop eating.

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2020-12-06 - Sunday - 04:07 AM - 04:30 AM - Animaniacs 102

They're greek gods on vacation. They put Odi into a whale or monster and even Hell. No problem, he liked it. And then they put him on an island with giant one eyed Trump and then he went insane which is to say Trump is worse than Hell itself they're saying.

Pinky and the Brain to tame the dragon

The dragon is an actor

Women voting, 100th year anniversary, 1920-2020, feminism is dangerous ideology which attacks families and children

Cartoons want to be able to vote too

Tim Cast IRL

08:14 AM - Democrats Vote To LEGALIZE IT, Republicans Are Pushing BACK, Predictably

Watch the Alex Jones video from Saturday in order to understand what Dr. Wolfgang is saying.

Banned Videos

05:12 PM - ALEX JONES (1st HOUR) Sunday 12/6/20 • Dr. Steve Pieczenik, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

When Trump wins, I won't say I told you so. He won and will win.

Banned Videos

09:44 PM - ALEX JONES (2nd HOUR) Sunday 12/6/20 • Ali Alexander, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars


Open Mind

12:06 AM - Mike Cernovich And Ali Alexander


03:46 AM - Biden Transition Team Blocked from Pentagon Meetings


2020-12-06 - Sunday - 04:07 AM - 04:30 AM - Animaniacs 102

Liberty Hangout


Tim Cast IRL

08:14 AM - Democrats Vote To LEGALIZE IT, Republicans Are Pushing BACK, Predictably

Tim Cast

08:44 AM - Timcast IRL - Video Evidence Of Vote Fraud Drops, PA GOP DISPUTES EC Votes w/ Luke Rudkowski

Mikhaila Peterson

05:08 PM - The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast #36 - Wim Hof with Jordan Peterson

Banned Videos

05:12 PM - ALEX JONES (1st HOUR) Sunday 12/6/20 • Dr. Steve Pieczenik, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

Supreme Comics Girl

09:18 PM - girl from homeschool who sang the Star Spangled Banner and read even better than Katie did

Banned Videos

09:44 PM - ALEX JONES (2nd HOUR) Sunday 12/6/20 • Ali Alexander, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

Banned Videos


2020-12-06 - Saturday - 09:00 PM - Wolfgang Covid Infowars Video Report


08:06 AM - Orange. Coffee

Sunday School or Discipleship Hour

I reference how react to hitting my thumb with a hammer, now versus before. Also, I talked about being a cat running into water not liking it and a dog running into water. Well, I didn't mention the pets but should have.


Mark took off his clean jacket and gave it to Nate who exchange that for his dirty jacket. That is a key part of salvation, that exchange, you give up who you were as a sinner and not just the sin but your identity in that sin, that system.


I saw one other guy wearing his beard and no mask. Bob Ross would talk about the beauty of sunlight on trees as gloomy clouds lurk behind. We saw some. I'm not going to talk about prodigal son, groceries, milk, juice, salad, vegetables, dressing. I didn't get any batteries and have like less than $200 in my bank I think.


03:00 PM - 04:40 PM. After that, beach time. Nice cool weather, past sunset a little or cloudy out. Still can see. Pulled out with some help 2 trespassing signs of ours here. Shovel broke.

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