African Innovators, Effective Fake News & Asian Cities For Tech Operations


African Innovators, Effective Fake News & Asian Cities For Tech Operations

Quartz Africa Innovators 2018: A list of 30 pioneers

The 30 movers and thinkers on this list range across fields from the arts and science to technology and entrepreneurship and beyond.

Why Fake News Campaigns Are So Effective

These often effective efforts to manipulate public opinion traffic in misleading and distorted facts — and outright lies. Still, their carefully crafted messages and precise audience selection create the desired effect.

Asian cities that are best locations for technology operations

Bangalore, Singapore and Shenzhen stand out as top choices for starting or expanding technology operations in Asia, according to Colliers International’s research report ‘Top Locations in Asia: Technology sector’.

Why is it so Hard to Keep a Secret?

“Secrets often involve something that someone does not take pride in. They’ve chosen someone to confide in, but don’t want other people to know about it because they feel like if it gets out it could damage their reputation,” said Dr. Asim Shah, professor and executive vice chair in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor. “However, it can be hard for the person to keep that to themselves because it may become a burden.”

Lessons Learned from Centuries of Indigenous Forest Management

In an interview with Yale Environment 360, ecologist Charles M. Peters discusses how, in an era of runaway destruction of tropical forests, the centuries-old ecological understanding of indigenous woodland residents can help point the way to the restoration of damaged rainforests.

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