Powering down to pay for my eyes surgery - update. Three steps to dream:)

So, this is where I can share my experience about fixing eyes back to normal again. 

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First thing I was thinking about these two weeks after fixing my retina - damn, how much energy this everything takes! I'm a really impatient person. Usually I prefer doing everything myself, quickly and good, may be it's also one of the reasons why I work as a freelancer. I hate when some process depends on other people too, not only on me. Well, technically my second operation also depends mainly on me, but on factors tat I can't influence on.

So, these two weeks of waiting were really exhausting. I wasn't living in the hospital, I had no troubles using  my eyes and having a normal life, but waiting really kills. So I tried to do my best to get lost in work, but it helped only a bit. Anyway, about 80% of my life energy was going to nowhere, in worries and thoughts.

Now I'm back home from clinic, where doc checked out my retina and everything, and...


I'm so exited that I can't even write this post calmly. My next operation is...

ON MONDAY! This Monday coming next week - I mean 25'th of September!

I yet don't even know at what time it will be made, but I know the date. And now my final preparations begin. I still have to go to the lab and make blood tests, but it's so trifle comparing to what I already been through. Will make the required tests tomorrow in the morning.

The operation will take about 10 seconds on each eye, but I'll have to be in the clinic for 4-5 hours. The main recommendation doc gave to me - eat a lot LOL:) Have a good breakfast, take something to eat with you to the clinic, and make sure you have a nice dinner at home after the operation. Good advice, by the way, I usually get hungry really quickly when I'm nervous. 

So, it's really going to happen. I will have normal vision again.

As soon as I'll be able I will write a post about how everything went, and of course I will continue posting my art every day, I made some extra drawings for not to break my every day posting tradition:)

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I want to say a SUPER BIG THANK YOU to everyone who supported me here during all the process! Guys, you're the best!

See you!:)

Love, Inber

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