Look who came to me to the hospital:)

Hi, guys!

Something wonderful happened today. I told the doctor how much I wanted to go home to my dog and she let me bring her directly to the hospital. I was very happy, I think this way it will be easier for me to make it to the end of the treatment, because after all I am already very tired here.

The baby, of course, is a little nervous, this is a new environment for her, but little by little she is already getting used to it. I really hope that tomorrow we will go home with her, and I will start working on returning to normal life after the hospital.

I have never wanted to go home so much, I don’t know what happened to me. Although I recently discovered a centipede on the ceiling of my room, this may be the case. I'm terribly afraid of insects.

In the meantime, I have the last droppers, and I will pack things home :)




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