My jelly pudding.

As I promised @wakeupkitty, I'm letting you know that I made it.

My jelly pudding without a fridge and my husband laugh at me for something. I'll tell you all about it.

Well, as I went home yesterday I stop by the convenient store to buy some jelly powder. I didn't manage to buy the powder one but I got some of the other kind.

I meant to buy this one.

Google source

but I end up with this one.

Google source

My ingredients

What I did.

I boiled water, put sugar inside and after the sugar melt, I put in the jelly.
After the jelly done, I cool it down for a while and I pour in some rose syrup and stir it in a bowl until it all mix up.
That's all. Then I just wait for it to become solid again.


It did and I didn't wait long.


Then I told my husband about my conversations with @wakeupkitty and he laugh. I said to him, "Why are you laughing?"

This is what he answered me.

"Even someone, who is far across the country knows that making jelly doesn't need a fridge. Using the fridge is only to make it cool a bit faster." and he continue laughing.

And I said, "How would I know that? My mom never told me." And we both end up laughing.

I need to change my recipe a bit because my 2 years old didn't want to eat it much. Well, this is a story of my jelly pudding.


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