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3 Traits Which Will Ensure Your Success in Life and On Steemit!

We often think that success is a difficult thing to achieve. We think of it as something external, something out of our control which just happens to us. What we don't realize is that it is the most simplest of things which bring success.


Some of us may even think of success as a lottery; a matter to chance. Great literature and success stories indicate otherwise though. Be it success in politics, success in finance or success in life, each successful person has achieved it not through chance but throught strong personality traits.

Just as an interesting question; how many people win lotteries every year and how many of them are known to you as successful people?

This post discusses five simple personality traits which ensure success in any field of life; and on Steemit. Let's begin!

1. Intellectual Humility

Google does not hire toppers. Why? Because they don't have intellectual humility. Here's an article from New York Times for evidence. It quotes the senior vice president of people operations for Google, Laszlo Bock as saying:-

It’s feeling the sense of responsibility, the sense of ownership, to step in to try to solve any problem — and the humility to step back and embrace the better ideas of others. Without humility, you are unable to learn.

If you're unable to learn, it is difficult to be successful. What intellectual humility means is that you are humble enough to accept the fact that you cannot be good at everything. That you can fail. That there's no need to be egoistic when something is not working.

Intellectual humility is a blessing and average people tend to have it more than the so perceived brilliant people. That is why we often see that people who have achieved success often have a humble background or were discarded due to being average or below average.

On Steemit, try to learn from your failures. Accept that you need to learn something new. Apply new learnings and evaluate results. You'll be amazed to see how much difference it makes.

2. Persistence

Persistence is simply doing small things over a long time. It is a habit. It rather is a part of your character. Good news is; you can develop persistence. You can manage your time in such a way that you do important things on a regular basis.

For years now, Seth Godin has been writing a blog everyday. E v e r y d a y! He does it with such persistence that you cannot find anywhere else. His blog is hosted on a free blogging platform (Typepad) but is one of the most popular blogs in the world. You can verify this claim by visiting his blog and seeing his timeline.

Seth is a successful author of books like Linchpin and Tribes. He believe in shipping on time and that's what persistence is. True example of persistence

Here on Steemit, experiment for one week or one month. Commit to posting once daily and commenting on ten unique posts everyday. See the results and compare them with your current efforts. You will see new gains and benfits in many ways.

3. The Attitude of Giving

Bill Gates is running Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Why? To give! The richest man in the world, and the most successful person in the world of IT for decades is giving his wealth to charity or funding great projects with it.

Gates is an interesting fellow. He's intellectually humble as well. Here are some of his quotes about personal or business failures.

Google kicked our butts.

He once said:-

No one will need more than 637Kb of memory for a personal computer.

![Bill Gates on memory]

Bill Gates was so much into coding that he dropped out of Harvard to start working on softwares. That's how he became a tycoon. He started coding in teenage and kept doing it till becoming a billionaire. Persistence!

And he gives too. Embodiment of the three traits discussed in this post. But were discussing the attitude of giving. When @ned and his team started Steemit, the whole point of their vision was benevolance; the act of giving. Steemit gives. It gives more to the people who have a giving attitude.

On Steemit, the most successful people are those who give. @papa-pepper is highly reputed and massively followed. If you follow him closely, he is always giving. He once donated more than 1000 Steems to someone in need. It was in June. @surpassinggoogle is a true example of givinig attitude. The contests he conducted in his #untalented series had no losers. Everybody was given something.Give your time, attention, respect, upvote and support to people and you will how much success you get on Steemit.


Success is not compicated. It is based on simple things. But internalizing those simple things is very difficult and requires hard work. Three of the most dominant traits required for success are intellectual humility, persistence and the attitude of giving. Be it life or Steemit, success is guaranteed if you develop these three traits in yourself.

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