Your opinion on what you would like to see me post.

For the last week I have been thinking on what to post on that you would like to see me post. I'm not too sure on what most people are interested in seeing from me with what I can offer to write about. I realize I need to do it on anything that I would know something about. Some of the stuff I can think of to write about, is already being written about by a list of people already and I'm so new with crypto currency that I don't really know enough to be producing any kind of decent article on it.

The problem I have is, I don't know if there's enough interest in seeing any posts on my trapping adventures this season and what is involved in getting ready for it and what all goes on when I'm out checking my traps. Minus any bloody stuff of course. Or if you would like to see something like How to zero in the iron sights on an M14. Maybe do a review on a particular firearm and the likes or dislikes I have about it. Maybe if someone wants me to do a review on a firearm that you are thinking about buying or what would make a good self defense weapon for about any kind of real world situation you would find yourself in, like a home invasion or maybe when your out on the street.

If you would like to see some cooking stuff like some good BBQ tips, or using a smoker to smoke a turkey for 12 hours or so. Maybe give you some tips and a recipe on using up some of them turkey leftovers to make up some Gumbo.

I can give you some ideas for workouts in the gym on some weightlifting and what has worked out really well for gaining muscle mass for me.

I'm just naming a few things I go and do throughout the week. Some of the work I do depends on the time of year. I started up on making some wooden lawn chairs and will be doing that kind of work during the winter and summer months but the trapping I wait to do that work after it's been cold and the little animals have their winter fur grown in. So just drop me some suggestions or give me an idea of what you would like to see more of in the comments. I only named a few things of what I do so it might be a hit or miss with my knowledge on certain things.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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