I see something just before I get hit by a car.

This event happened about 2008 I think. It's been a while since I thought about when it happened that I lost track. Anyways, I was with two of my female friends that I worked with at the time and they talked me into going shopping with them close to downtown Provo, Utah. I will call them Gina and Jill. Before I get too far into this story I should give you an idea of what was going on when I was hit by the car. Jill is a redhead and is about my age, so her being a redhead and the age comes into the picture later on. It was later in the day and the sun was setting and low enough on the horizon that it was partially blinding the drivers going west bound including the drivers in the turning lane, who was attempting to turn on the road I and my two friends was going to try and cross.
When I go to cross the street, Gina goes ahead of me and before we are halfway across the road we're having to dodge cars that are turning on the road were crossing. So I tell Gina to just run for it when the car gets past us that had almost hit us both. And by this time I thought Jill was right behind me because I was hearing footsteps and thinking someone was walking right there. After Gina took off I tell Jill (or who I thought was Jill) to hurry up and go around me before she was to get hit herself by the next car that was coming. Just as I see her get around me on my right and out of the way, I looked over to my left and there was the car about to hit me. I only had enough reaction time to lean over so I could just roll on the hood of the car and not get injured in any way. Somehow I wasn't hurt and didn't even have a mark on me to show for it. The guy driving said he had to be going about 25 to 30 MPH. For those of you on the metric system that's about 41 to 49 KPH.
So after I get the driver to pull over and some of the witnesses who got out to try and help me out back on their way, I was talking to Gina and Jill about how I was glad they didn't get hit and that I tried to help them both to get out of the way of traffic. They both looked at me funny like I had lost my mind. They both said that only Gina and myself went across the street and Jill never did try to cross out of fear of getting hit. I got to thinking that was weird because we were the only three people walking around for almost half a block in any direction. So naturally I told them I looked right at a redheaded girl and was telling her to hurry and go. I will admit I didn't see her face and only saw her from her side and then her backside as she walked ahead of me. Jill and Gina looked a little confused by now and said there was nobody there and they seemed to not know what to think about what I was saying I had seen.
I hope you all enjoy this event in my life and let me know in the comments if you would like to read about a few of my other stories that are similar to this one and have a blessed day.

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