Crackers to accompany rice

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For us Indonesians, crackers is a food that must always be there when eating rice. Crackers will increase the appetite of everyone who is eating, but not only when eating rice is just this crackers in themeal, but almost at any time, even when eating noodles or eating soup.
Therefore, many chips are sold anywhere, both in the market, stalls.

Terjemahan :

Bagi kami orang indonesia, kerupuk merupakan makanan yang harus selalu ada ketika makan nasi. Kerupuk akan menambah nafsu makan setiap orang yang sedang makan, namun tidak hanya ketika makan nasi saja kerupuk ini di makan, namun hampir di setiap saat, bahkan ketika makan mie atau makan kuah sup.
Maka dari itu, kerupuk banyak di jual dimana saja, baik di pasar, warung.

Terima kasih

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