Back to North


Back home I go with my newly dyed hair.

It was nice to have a little change of scenery but I did not miss these over 4 hour bus rides. I basically went north and back every two weeks most of last year so I’m pretty glad that I no longer have to commute for the relationship.


I’m always prepared with lots of snacks and warm clothing for the bus ride. I purposefully chose my down jacket because it feels like a fluffy sleeping bag and I always try to sleep most of the journey, otherwise it’s so darn boring. I get car sick if I read, knit or even scroll the internet for long so there’s not much to do other than nap, snack and listen to audiobooks and podcasts.

Luckily the bus etiquette in Finland dictates that barely anyone ever speaks or makes unnesessary noice and of course you only have to sit next to someone if the bus is nearly full. I’m always taking up two seats, legs on the other with my shoes off and wool socks on, it’s a very nice way to travel.


It’ll be dark before I’m home, because sunset is at 2pm.

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