Psychology of Fear of Missing Out Effect

Good day dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you have a great start to the new weekend! In this post, I would like to address an interesting topic and hope you can expand your knowledge.


The Fear of missing out effect also describes the fear to miss certain things or events and I would like to go into this complex topic from a psychological point of view and explain what complex systems happen in the mind when this effect comes into play. Others may also know this effect under the abbreviation FOMO effect and the most important influencing factor for this effect is also fear and often this phenomenon occurs on the stock exchange among investors, which is why I have taken some screenshots of crypto markets where you can regularly see this effect and another example is, if an interesting event takes place somewhere and you are not invited yourself and it happens that you think irrationally and a whole series of psychological changes take place and this fear creates a real pressure by which people are very burdened. The interesting thing about the FOMO effect are the subliminal effects and even if some think they would see through the whole topic, the subconscious plays a huge role here and it can trigger very intense feelings that can often be set to the same level as the need for something everyday like food. The FOMO effect can also be considered extremely contagious and is closely linked to the mass psychology and this social pressure that arises as a result represents an additional burden and it often comes to a lack of self-respect and the irrational way of thinking often leads to compulsive actions which can be devastating depending on the situation and especially on the stock exchange you see this phenomenon and recognize how people fall into a real trance state out of fear of missing something and this enormous change in the way of thinking is very interesting from the point of view of research, but still often a rather unnoticed topic.


This effect leads to the fact that you fall into such high stress that enormous symptoms can arise and there is a change in the ability to concentrate up to serious symptoms and especially in younger people this effect is particularly distinctive. In the short term, this effect is not so present, but in the long run there will be enormous changes due to the permanent burdens that arise as a result and there is also a whole series of distributions in our mind such as dopamine, which also generates feelings of happiness and thus an addictive behavior. Due to the fact that the behavior of the decisions made is changed and the irrational way of thinking often lead to wrong decisions and then people often also compare themselves with other people, it happens that you doubt yourself and the stress level becomes more and more increased and in our subconscious it happens that real patterns of these behaviors burn in. According to statistics, only one of two is influenced by this effect if you have understood the effect on the subconscious, you can strongly assume that these numbers are much higher and due to the enormous increase in technology, this effect is becoming more and more widespread and is strengthened by the enormous increase of informations and especially often you see this effect on the stock exchange, social or other media and in the field of marketing people make very specific use of this effect. The FOMO effect is definitely a very interesting topic, which is not new in itself, but has been reinforced by the change of technologists and is an extremely strong psychological phenomenon that accompanies the whole society.



Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through my post and I hope you like it and can learn something new about this interesting topic, I took these screenshots from the site!

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