5 Basic Exercises of the Army

Back when I was in the Singapore Army, we had to perform 5 basic exercises - also commonly known as the 5BX - to kick start our morning. We would all fall in at the parade square at 5.15am sharp in orderly rows of 3 and report our strength to the on-duty officer.

It was after all the morning regimentation that we proceed to even more regimentation but in the form of morning exercise. Although we were required to move in unison, not move in unison and count in unison, the intensity of the workout is relatively low.

So why do it then?

It is to gradually warm our bodies up after a long 6-8 hours of sleep by gradually raising our heart rates. To shake the lethargy and listlessness out of our system and prepare us for the day ahead.

We usually perform each exercise in 5 counts of 4 but for simplicity sake, it basically means 10 repetitions.

We start of the 5BX with Jumping Jacks:

A full repetition consists of step 1 - 2 - 1 - 3. Next we have High Jumpers:

Which was my favorite cause I get to flaunt my verticle. Then Squat Benders:

Though we don't practice counts 3 and 4. Then Push Ups:

And finally, Crunches:

And once all that’s done, we march to the cookhouse to grab a well-deserved and not so inspiring morning breakfast to fuel us for the morning training to come. If you're looking to get a light workout to begin your day fresh and more awake, you can definitely give this a go.

If you already have a good morning routine going on, do tell me. I'd like to know!

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